The final, revised version of the EFB appears on the 15th of June. The airbus Variation is also included.
Support Forum
Taxi Camera tutorial
Paul | 22.01.2014
Hi there. Love the EFB, using it on every flight! Was wondering if you had any luck with a taxi cam tutorial. That is the last piece I would love to configure. Also, on screenshots I see an option to load an FS Flightplan. I thought I had the latest version of EFB but don't see that option. Was it removed?
Thank you so much!!
Antw.:Taxi Camera tutorial
Peter | 23.01.2014
Load a flightplan removed since there are too many formats (PMDG, FSC, FSX FS build).
I just make a TaxiCam Videotutorial. but I have a new house and move to another town. Have very little time at the moment.
Antw.:Antw.:Taxi Camera tutorial
Paul Solk | 27.01.2014
Thank you Peter, at least I know I wasn't going crazy looking for where to enter a flightplan. As for the tutorial, I wish you the best of luck with the move to the new house and new town! Hope it all goes well for you Peter!
Antw.:Antw.:Antw.:Taxi Camera tutorial
Paul | 29.04.2014
Hi Peter,
I hope all went well with the move! I was just wondering if you had any updates on the taxi camera tutorial. I am still really enjoying EFB and would love to see the taxi-cam in action!
Thank you Peter,
How to minimalize the EFB?
Derek | 19.12.2013
Hi Pete!
Really good job with this EFB, I love it :) but there is one thing which is looming large in my mind. How to minimalize it or make it unlocked. I cannot fly with it or open a browser.
Best Regards!
Antw.:How to minimalize the EFB?
Derek | 20.12.2013
Ok I have found solution. If you want minimalize (hide below active apps) EFB you should come back to Main screen, then everything should be ok :)
Antw.:How to minimalize the EFB?
Peter | 21.12.2013
The EFB can not be hidden. It has been programmed for its own monitor. But you can move it.
X-Plane 10
Xavier | 28.10.2013
Hi, first of all, congratulations for your great EFB. Great work!
Secondly, I use X-Plane 10.22 (64 bits), can I use your EFB with it? According to Instructions in "EFB - Setup" should appear the option to select de X-Plane folder, but in my EFB's version (1.0) just appears FS9, FSX and P3D.
Antw.:X-Plane 10
Skino | 29.10.2013
I can not scan the X-plane scenery. That's why I can not read the correct values. If the runway data correspond to those of the real world in X-plane you can use the included databases. Run all FSUIPC functions with XUIPC